Yo! I’m Aaron. Thanks for stopping by.

What (is this)

This site is both my portfolio and blog, created in Jekyll, YAML and Markdown. I don’t post content to social media, so please come back or subscribe to my RSS feed. (RSS is back, didn’t you hear?)

Blog topics include technical writing, beer and video games. My photography includes landscapes…and mostly landscapes. My prose is sarcastic, self-deprecating and hyperbolic. I hope you can still enjoy my work.

It’s OK if you don’t, btw.

How (did I get here)

In 2008, I graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in journalism and a minor in history. Then, a few months later, the global financial crisis happened.

No one warned me that new journo grads with scant clips wouldn’t be in high demand.

After several years of working at a technical support vendor, I knew it was time to move up and move on. So, I pulled together an application to the master’s in writing program at Portland State University. My focus: Professional and Technical Writing. (Ask me about my winding path from journalism to documentation over a :beer: sometime! I prefer high-IBU IPAs.)

Grad school nourished in me a deep appetite for all things technical writing. Since then, I’ve stayed hungry. Hungry to learn more, experiment and stay relevant. I take pride in my portfolio. I’ve worked at startups and established multinational companies alike. I’ve also worked with non-profits. If I get the chance to create clear, concise content, I’ll take it.

As a lifelong Oregonian, a father and a married man with a mortgage, I’m usually in bed by 9PM these days.

If you like my nonsense, be sure to check out the over-a-decade-strong (!) games blog I cofounded: Silicon Sasquatch.