Write the Docs PDX 2021: Back in the Saddle

1 minute read

After a couple of eventful years away from my professional site and Write the Docs PDX, I’m eager to get back to learning and sharing!

I also have several security and vulnerability bugs to squash in my Jekyll setup. (Whoops.)

A quick, personal post before the main stage opens up this morning.

Despite my desire to, I skipped Sunday’s Writing Day activities. I actually would have loved to see faces and revel in the company of like-minded attendees.

My excuse this year (having skipped the 2020 conference) comes down to: parent stuff. This year’s WTD coincided with a long-planned drive south to the bay area to see the in-laws. My wife and I haven’t been back since August 2019, a few months before our son was born. We’re both (partially) vaccinated and have quarantined since the pandemic began. The grandparents are fully vaccinated and also make very few outings beyond necessities. We felt it was “safe enough,” knowing we can’t control or prevent all risk. We weighed that against our 1.5-year-old toddler not seeing family or the world more than two hours away. I understand those who wouldn’t, or couldn’t, make the same decision.

That’s the extent of my pre-recipe, life story blogger introduction. I’ll be posting after the end of each main stage conference day with my impressions and thoughts on the day’s talks. Looking forward to another jam-packed WTD PDX. Cheers!

Update 4/28/21