My Write the Docs Interview Circa 2019
Here’s a fun one. I just rediscovered my interview with Write the Docs from 2019. I was honored to be included in the company of really smart tech writers an...
Here’s a fun one. I just rediscovered my interview with Write the Docs from 2019. I was honored to be included in the company of really smart tech writers an...
I’ve been combing through my old projects from my last gig, seeing which tibits of internal documentation I could clean up and share on my site for prospecti...
I offer applause for, bows to and tips-of-the-hat toward the splendiferous WTD organizers.
It feels great to be back at a Write the Docs event.
After a couple of eventful years away from my professional site and Write the Docs PDX, I’m eager to get back to learning and sharing!
I couldn’t be happier that my first professional conference was Write the Docs.
What a whirlwind first day!
The annual Write the Docs PDX conference begins this Sunday. I’m beyond excited!
Welcome! This is the first post of my redesigned site.